
Showing posts from February, 2018

Segwit insight: What is Segwit?

Full SegWit integration on Bitcoin send and receive transactions. This should help make Bitcoin transactions faster and cheaper than what they used to be. What is SegWit? SegWit, short for Segregated Witness, is an improvement to the way Bitcoin transactions are sent. With SegWit, certain information is restructured in Bitcoin transactions, rendering them effectively smaller, which means more transactions can now fit into a block. This, in turn, should help make Bitcoin transactions faster and cheaper than what they currently are. Note that SegWit is not the same as the proposed (and suspended) SegWit2X fork. For a more technical description, see this. What’s in it for me? Cheaper and faster Bitcoin transactions. As customers start switching over to new SegWit addresses, this will translate into a further reduction in sending fees in the coming weeks and months. Note that Bitcoin network fees fluctuate, based on blockchain congestion, so comparing fees over different time pe...

What is an ERC20 Token?

If you’re reading this page, you’ve probably heard the term ERC20 Token thrown around, especially in the wake of the recent boom in ICO funded blockchain start-ups. ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comments. This is an official protocol for proposing improvements to the Ethereum network. '20’ is the unique proposal ID number. ERC20 defines a set of rules which need to be met in order for a token to be accepted and called as 'ERC20 Token'. The standard rules apply to all ERC20 Tokens since these rules are required to interact with each other on the Ethereum network. These tokens are blockchain assets that have value and can be sent and received, like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, or any other cryptocurrency. The difference between these tokens and a standalone currency like Litecoin is that ERC20 tokens piggyback on the Ethereum network, hosted by Ethereum addresses and sent by Ethereum transactions. To execute a 'token transfer' transaction, you must pay ...

Two (2) rare trading techniques that are insanely profitable

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of trading "gurus" acting like trading is really easy. It's a total joke. And it's an insult to struggling traders who are smart and work hard but haven't found success yet (especially since the guru saying his method is easy probably isn't even a real trader). The reality is that thoughtful, hard-working retail traders are struggling because trading is hard. You know that- no matter how much slick marketing they throw at you. And the reason it's hard? It's complex. How many times have you got the direction of the market completely right and still lost money? How often have you learned a technique that works for a bit and then starts losing you money when the market changes? But one professional day trader has studied this market complexity for years and ingeniously narrowed things down to the 2 unique day trading techniques that work in every possible market condition. The techniques are not comple...

Check your birth month: what it says about you -Description

*_Please check your birth month...... The assertions really holds TRUE* *Which Baby are you ?_* Don't forget to comment your birth month in the comment section before sharing... *JANUARY BABY* Pretty/handsome. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Sensitive. Down-to-Earth. Stubborn. Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet someone new in 8 days that will perfectly balance your personality. *FEBRUARY BABY* Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment...

Everyone is getting tremendously rich from cryptocurrencies... and yuh're not... yet?

Dear Reader, Following the evolution of wealth creation and maximazation, currently we're stuck in the middle of the biggest digital wealth creation tool in history. Cryptocurrencies are prospering the lives of its users by 3,028%, 9,790%, 13,558% even 694,900% ( Research data ) . So if yuh made the smart decision to get in on this profit frenzy early… congratulations! Yuh're already a millionaire!!!! But if yuh've missed out so far, I want yuh to pay very close attention to what I'm about to tell yuh. Because the nearly half a trillion dollars in wealth that has been created up to this point is just a tiny blip compared to what's about to come. Thanks to ERC-Tokens events, billions of dollars in crypto-riches are on the way. In fact, we could soon be looking at a total market cap of a trillion dollars or more in 2018. And if yuh pay close attention, I could recommend the easiest way to grab a huge chunk...

An insight: What is the Blockchain?

The innovation at the heart of bitcoin is called the blockchain. Again, let’s use some analogies. The blockchain is like a huge, global, decentralized spreadsheet. It keeps track of who sent how many coins to whom, and what the balance of every account is. It is stored and maintained by thousands of people (miners) across the globe who have special computers. The blocks in the blockchain are made up of all the individual transactions sent from Myetherwallet, MetaMask, Exodus, Mist, Geth, Parity, and everywhere else. Blockchain is like a checkbook  Imagine a global checkbook, a global accounting ledger, where everyone can see all the debits and credits. It’s a completely open book, so everyone can confirm that the checkbook is balanced at all times. The blockchain is similar, with computers worldwide constantly recording who’s bought and sold bitcoin (and other blockchain assets). This “distributed ledger” means that no one person, company, or government cont...

The 5 Types of Users in the Cryptocurrency World

1. An alarmist Users of this type are notable for the highest activity in channels making themselves and others crazy. A panic-monger declares his eternal love to the project and all the users quite often, but immediately switches to anger at the first signs of problems. Basic vocabulary: I love everyone. HODL. I truly believe in the project. But on the other side: I want the refund and my coins back! I hate you! Give my money back! It’s a scam! A fraud! Everything’s gone! I had to listen to my mother! Run, you fools! 2. A man with “connections” This kind of user usually demonstrates their knowledge in all world jurisdictions, connections in the CIA, the law courts, as well as with some presidents. Basic vocabulary: You’re in big trouble. I have reported everything to the SEC already (USA Securities and Exchange Commission). You may start panicking because the FBI is keeping an eye on you. 3. A Believer It’s the major category of users. They invest their own money not only to...

Crypto Coins: Where can I sell my airdropped crypto?

So now you have free crypto, what do you do? Many coins that do airdrops are PRE-ICO or just finished their ICO. This often means it is not traded yet on the bigger exchanges. You can check out our exchange sites or most trading sites on the internet to see where you can best sell your crypto airdrops  click here I suggest you make an account on any encountered exchanges so you can easily sell and receive your crypto airdrops. I hope you receive as many airdrops as possible and that they increase in value over time. Many projects that are now top 40 coins have done airdrops in their early stages, like NEM, DECRED & Ripple. You don't need to immediatly sell your free crypto, there is nothing wrong with being a HODLer.

Altcoin: What are Altcoins?

The easiest way to think about investing in altcoin like Ethereum or Ripple is like investing in a stock . It’s a piece of an enterprise that you can buy or sell at any time using online exchanges like kraken . If the price goes up, you make money; if the price goes down, you lose money. We call them “altcoins” because it sounds like “bitcoin,” which is the innovation that started it all. These new blockchain-based assets are alternatives to bitcoin: altcoins. Some people call them “cryptocurrencies,” because they are built on cryptography. This is a terrible name. (Too many syllables.) Some people shorten it to “cryptos,” which is even worse, because it makes you think of dead things.  So, “altcoins” it is.

Crypto Airdrop: What do I need to do to get my free crypto?

Every airdrop has a different set of rules. I am suggesting you make a Bitcointalk forum account to be able to apply for almost any airdrops that require contacting a team member (usually PM).  N/B: If you are from Nigeria, ensure to use VPN while registering to avoid the account restriction or you can pierce the veil of restriction by making donations to the provided bitcoin address.  “Newbies” on the forum are often rejected for new airdrops, so i suggest you post once in a while to get a higher rank. Some new airdrops require retweets on Twitter, usually you need a minimum amount of followers. Make sure you have active social media accounts to be eligible for these free crypto tokens. Check your wallets regularly to see if you received surprise airdrops. If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​an​ ​investor​ ​holding​ ​a​ ​diverse​ ​portfolio​ ​of​ ​coins​ ​you​ ​are​ ​likely​ ​to​​ be receiving​ ​more​ ​and​ ​more free​ crypto ​as​ ​this​ ​concept​ ​keeps​ ​gaining​ ​popularit...

Crypto Airdrop: How Can I be aware of next Airdrops?

Airdrops aren’t always a surprise. Some companies announce their intentions via press release, while others will “reward” you for joining their social following within a limited time frame. These teams are more selective as to who gets their free currency, rather than giving it out to the whole blockchain. Various groups on Telegram or Facebook keep track of upcoming ICO’s and announce any relevant airdrops. Websites like XWEALTHBOX AIRDROP are always tracking new giveaways as well. Some companies will use an airdrop to promote their wallet or application, stating that the first 50,000 downloads will receive the respective currency. Other projects will even ask you to promote them on a forum or website in exchange for tokens.

Crypto Airdrop: Why Would A Company Give Me Free Tokens?

As mentioned, the market for ICOs is over-saturated beyond belief. Most people are more likely to roll their eyes when they see a new cryptocurrency rather than invest. That said, if the team behind that new currency gives out free tokens for attention, they are much more likely to get it. In marketing, first impressions are incredibly important. How could you not think highly of a company that pays you upon meeting? If a company sends some of their token to your wallet and you notice it, it might prompt you to look into their project more and if you like what you see you might decide to invest in them. It’s free marketing for the token sale or coin launch really, it costs the company nothing to provide these tokens to you but could help them with brand recognition. Another reason companies give out free tokens, is to help decentralization of their currency. A recent example of this was Omise Go who airdropped large numbers of their tokens to Ethereum holders shor...

Airdrop: What Is a crypto Airdrop?

A​ ​crypto airdrop​ ​is​ ​when​ ​a​ ​blockchain project distribute​s free​ ​tokens or​ ​coins to​ ​the​ crypto ​community. To ​ ​be​ ​a​ ​recipient​ ​of​ ​an​ crypto ​airdrop often​ ​the​ ​only ​ ​requirement​ ​is​ ​that​ ​you​ ​have​ ​coins from the relevant blockchain stored​ ​in​ ​your​ ​wallet. It seems that every day a company launches an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). It is much harder to stand out with how many are out there. Instead of ruthlessly promoting themselves all over the internet, the team behind the new ICO will look at the blockchain of an already established token and gather up every person who has that coin in their wallets. They will then distribute an amount of their token in proportion to the amount that you hold. Other crypto airdrops require social media posts or you need to contact a member of the team on the Bitcointalk forum. These projects use an airdrop as a marketing campaign. The​ ​format​ ​of​ ​these​ crypto ​giveaways​ ​is​ ​usual...

Business product & service Competition: How to handle phobia

Hey; I find that business owners often wish that they had no competition. . Businesses usually are thinking that with no competition, the entire market for their product or service will be theirs. I don’t think that is the case – especially for newstartups that have truly innovative products and services. .. Here’s why: .. .. Competition validates your idea: . Yuh know yuh have a good idea when other people are coming up with similar products or services. Competition validates the market and the fact that there are most likely customers for your new product. This also means that the costs of marketing and educating your market goes down. .. .. Competition helps educate your target market: . Being 'first-to-market' can be a huge advantage, but that also means that yuh will have to spend way more than the '2nd-to-market' player to educate the market about your new widget, your new solution to a problem, your new approach to services. This is especially ...

British Couple Lawyer Up as $840k Cryptocurrency Divorce Heats Up

Divorce is never fun and rarely simple, but when one party – generally the male – owns cryptocurrency, there’s an added layer of complexity. With cryptocurrency still relatively new as an asset class, there have been very few cases to date in which the unhappy couple have squabbled over altcoins. A British law firm professes to be handling three such cases at present, with the largest involving a tug-of-war over crypto valued at $840,000. Kissing Goodbye to the Ball and #Blockchain It was only a matter of time until a high profile, high value crypto divorce grabbed the headlines. In the event, it was Britain that claimed the dubious honor of hosting the world’s largest cryptocurrency untethering to date. “#Crypto cash divorce nightmare looming” reads the cheery press release published by UK law firm Royds Withy King, on Valentine’s Day no less. Bolstering the stereotype about opportunistic lawyers, it reads: Royds Withy King is acting on three separate high value divorce cases whe...

Mining bitcoin with a browser could be a waste of time.

Last weekend, it emerged that the Browse Aloud web browser plugin had been hijacked, causing it to covertly mine cryptocurrency on around 5,000 computers. Among those affected were systems used by a number of British government bodies including the National Health Service and a student loans company. At the time, a spokesperson for the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre said: “NCSC technical experts are examining data involving incidents of malware being used to illegally mine cryptocurrency…Government websites will continue to operate securely. At this stage there is nothing to suggest that members of the public are at risk.” Naturally members of the public weren’t at risk – in any sense of the word. The only real side effects of having your browsing session cryptojacked are perhaps a slowdown in computing performance and the device heating up. The majority of web users wouldn’t even be aware that anything was amiss. While relatively benign, as cyber attacks go, mining malware is...

Bitcoin to the moon: price above $10,000

Bitcoin's price has gone above $10,000. The last notable time bitcoin, the number one cryptocurrency by market capitalization, passed this threshold was in December of last year as it charted a course to record highs around $20,000. Since the Feb. 6 low around $6,116 (as per CoinMarketCap) – a correction that saw bitcoin lose 69.5 percent of its value from the all-time high and its lowest point since November – the cryptocurrency has slowly gained altitude despite media headlines and prominent figures in finance calling the correction a bubble in collapse.

Korean Government Answers Petition Against Unfair Cryptocurrency Regulations

South Korea has answered the petition entitled “Has the government ever dreamed a happy dream for the people?” Filed on December 28, the one-month petition asks the government to avoid excessive regulations for cryptocurrencies in the country and “not make unfair regulations on virtual currency investment.” According to the rules set by the Blue House, the government will respond to any petition with over 200,000 signatures within a month. On January 16, the above petition surpassed that threshold, as previously reported. By January 27, a total of 228,295 people had signed and the government subsequently responded to it on Wednesday. Hong Nam-ki, Minister of the Office for Government Policy Coordination (OPC) said in his response: "It is the basic policy of the government to prevent illegal acts and uncertainties in the process of virtual currency transactions, and actively nurture blockchain technology…Transparency of virtual currency transactions within the f...

Is Cryptocurrency trading a threat to Government policies?

The mere fact that Bitcoin is #decentralized #concerns governments at global scale because only a #centralized #system can be in full control. #MarkZuckerberg argued in a recent statement that the people once believed in the decentralized nature of #technology. Over the years, they’ve lost faith because governments are now using it to manipulate the masses. “Cryptocurrency takes power from centralized systems and puts it back into the hands of its rightful owners – the people”, said Zuckerberg in a post on #Facebook. #Bitcoin is risky because it’s difficult to keep under control, although at the core of the #crypto world lies a purpose: the ability of #cryptocurrency to reconstruct #financial systems leveraging transparency and eliminating the dire need to trust; and when there’s no reason to doubt there’s no #chance for deceit or fraud. High-level security, transparency and trust are three of the main benefits that Blockchain technology and Bitcoin can provide, and the democratizat...

US: Arizona Senate Passes Bill To Allow Tax Payments In Bitcoin

The Arizona Senate passed a bill on Feb. 8 to allow residents in the state to #pay their taxes with #cryptocurrencies, public records indicate. The Senate Bill 1091, which intends to enable cryptocurrencies for tax payment, was introduced Jan. 10, 2018 and passed by the Senate Finance Committee by a 4-3 vote on Jan. 24. On Feb. 8, the Senate passed the bill by a 16-13 margin, with one no-vote. The bill has now been sent to Arizona’s House of Representatives. If the bill is adopted, Arizona would become the first state in the U.S. to accept cryptocurrency tax payments by the year of 2020, as stated on the public record. The bill would allow taxpayers of the state to use “a payment gateway, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin or any other cryptocurrency recognized by the department, using electronic peer-to-peer systems.” According to the bill, the Arizona Department of Revenue, upon receiving payments in crypto for “tax and any interest and penalties”, would be obligated to convert the cr...